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What is SNOQO?
SNOQO is a tool designed for companies or individuals participating in any physical or digital event, exhibition or trade show. Users can quickly create and share mobile-friendly websites for specific events they're involved in. Interactions with user-created event pages are tracked and automatically converted into a downloadable leads CSV file for further work.
Prices & plans
Is SNOQO a paid service?
Yes, SNOQO is a paid service. 
Currently we do not offer free trials or freemium versions of the product.
Do you have pricing plans?
SNOQO's tool usage is not based on a subscription model but on a pay-per-usage model. This means we don't have fixed pricing plans; instead, you pay for the tool only when you need it.
What is included in the price?
The price includes all features of the product without limitations on their usage, as well as the publication of the created event page for 30 days.
Where can I find my invoices?
You can access all your billing information by clicking on the settings wheel at your SNOQO profile dashboard and selecting the "Purchases" tab. Here, you will find a list of your purchased events. If you click on the "Billing portal" button, you will be redirected to our payment processor, the STRIPE dashboard, where you can download invoices for each purchase.
Do I need a credit card or pay while creating an account?
No, you don't need to use your credit card while creating an SNOQO account. You can create and edit your event page without time limitations at no cost. You will be able to use your credit card for payment only if you decide to publish your event page.
How to create a SNOQO account?
Creating a SNOQO account is very simple. When you're on the registration page, choose your role - register as a visitor or exhibitor - then enter your email. In a few seconds, you will receive a registration code in the email you provided. Enter this code into the necessary field and choose your password. Now, you are all set.
What's the difference in registration between “I'm visitor” and “I'm exhibitor”?
The main difference between “I'm visitor” and “I'm exhibitor” roles is that visitors can only view and save created event pages while exhibitors can do the same but additionally create and publish created event pages.
Do I need any specific skills to create event pages?
Creation on SNOQO is easier than you think - no designer, programmer or any specific skills required. For your convenience, event pages can be created and edited by smartphone or computer.
What is possible when creating an event page?
Currently, SNOQO provides the following simple and easy-to-use features for creating an event page:

- Customization of the event page design;
- Addition of savable business cards;
- Attachment of a wide range of files - documents, PDFs, images, videos, and more;
- Adding links;
- Automatic collection of visitor contacts;
- Downloadable leads databases generated from interactions with the published event page.
How do I share my event page?
After creating and successfully paying for your event page, a downloadable QR code and link will be displayed on the right side of your SNOQO dashboard. You can use these to share your event page.
What is schedule publishing?
By default, the 30-day publication of the created event page starts from the day when the event page publication is paid. However, the “Schedule publishing” option allows you to customise the starting date of the 30-day publication period.
What is an “Unpublished” and “Published” event?
By choosing the “Unpublished“ and “Published“ event modes, you can switch your event page from visible to invisible for visitors and vice versa.
How long is the event page valid?
Created event page is valid until you delete it from your SNOQO dashboard.
What's happening after the event page becomes inactive?
When your event page becomes inactive, it still is available in your SNOQO dashboard. You can easily reactivate it by purchasing another 30-day publication period.
Can I make changes after publishing my event page?
Yes, you can. All changes will be made and automatically updated to your published event page.
What kind of statistics does the "Leads" tab display?
The "Leads" tab displays all actions and interactions with your created event page, including:

- "View" - general count of all event page visits;
- "Saved All" - how many visitors are saved your event page in their SNOQO profile;
- "Scanned QR code" - how many times your shared event page QR code is scanned;
- "Shared All" - how many visitors are shared your event page with other visitors;
- "Downloads" - what kind and how many times your event page attachment are downloaded;
- "Video" - how many times your event page uploaded videos are watched;
- "Image" - how many times your event page uploaded images are viewed;
- "Link" - how many times to your event page added links are clicked;
- "Business cards" - how many times to your event page added business cards are clicked and viewed;
- "Visitors contacts submitted"  - how many visitors shared their contacts with you.
How to download automatically collected leads from the SNOQO dashboard?
You can download automatically collected leads from the SNOQO dashboard simply by clicking "Download leads" and/or "Download contacts" buttons in the "Leads" tab. Leads will be downloaded in CSV file format.
Why are leads downloaded in CSV file format?
Leads are typically downloaded in CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file format because it is a widely supported and standardised format for tabular data. CSV files are easy to work with and can be opened and manipulated using various spreadsheet software, making it convenient for users to analyse and manage their lead data in a structured and accessible manner. Additionally, CSV files allow for easy import into other tools or systems, ensuring compatibility and flexibility for users.
What's the difference between "Download leads" and "Download contacts"?
Clicking the "Download leads" button provides a list of contacts from users who interacted with your published event page. For "Download contacts" you can obtain a list of visitors who shared their contacts with you via your event page.
Troubleshooting / Support
Do you have support?
Yes, we have support available. You can contact our support team via email at on any weekday. The average response time for opened support tickets is currently 2 hours, but typically, it takes less time.
Account management / Settings
How to change the email address for your account?
You can change the email address for your account by clicking on the settings wheel in your SNOQO profile dashboard. In the "Account" tab, enter your new email in the email field and click "Update email" to apply the changes.
How to change your password for your account?
You can change your password for your account by clicking on the settings wheel in your SNOQO profile dashboard. In the "Account" tab, enter your new password in the password field and click "Update password" to apply the changes.
How do you protect my account data?
We prioritise the security of your account data in compliance with European GDPR rules. This includes encryption, regular audits, and restricted access. Users have control over their data through consent settings. For more details, refer to our Privacy Policy.
How to delete my account?
To delete your account, please send a deletion request to our support team at Ensure that the request is sent from the email associated with your registered account.
Try SNOQO for free.
You pay 19 € 1,99 € only when you publish an event and use it.
Apply promo code "BETA" at checkout.